Grand Staff Notes In Music – How To Read Notes On The Grand Staff

The grand staff notes in music are easy after you have learned the treble clef and bass clef notes. Discover how to read notes on the grand staff effortlessly!

How To Read Notes On The Grand Staff

If you have been learning how to read notes in either treble clef or bass clef, the grand staff notes may be your next step. 

I know that it looks daunting at first, but really it is not much different from what you are doing already.  It just looks a little strange at first when we put everything together.

grand staff notes
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The grand staff is nothing more than combining the treble clef staff and bass clef staff together.  As you can see, the treble clef sits on top while the bass clef sits on the bottom.  That makes sense as the bass clef covers the low notes while the treble clef covers the higher notes.

Reading the grand staff notes is not too hard if you already have a working knowledge of treble clef and bass clef notes.  If not, then I highly recommend you start there and come back to this later.  It will begin to make a lot more sense in your mind.

Look at the lowest note in the bass clef.  It is G.  Now, work your way up to the highest note in treble clef, E.  You will notice a pattern as you work your way up through the two staves.  The musical alphabet is repeated over and over.

The notes on all of the lines and spaces move one note at a time according to the musical alphabet.  Pretty cool, huh?  Now, you can just remember the note on the first line of the bass clef, G, and follow your way up working through the musical alphabet, A-B-C-D-E-F-G.  Keep repeating this until you figure out the note you are looking for.

Notice also that the same note, middle C, connects both staves.  Knowing this information, you can always start at middle C and work your way up (frontwards through the alphabet) or down (backwards through the alphabet).  Of course, using the tools for learning the treble clef and bass clef notes you may have already learned is even faster yet.

Now test yourself and see if you can name these notes.

grand staff notes

The answers are: C-D-E-F-G-A-B  Did you get them all correct?  Great!

What I really wanted you to gain here was a closer look at how the grand staff notes function and to give you a couple more tools for reading them.  The more tools you have in your belt, the easier it is to solve any kind of problem you might face.  Keep up the good work!  You are well on your way to more confidence in reading music.

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